Want To Become an Extreme Couponer? Here’s How…

If you have watched the hit show “Extreme Couponing” on TLC then you are most likely psyched up about running out and getting your groceries for next to nothing, or free. There are a few things you should know before you head out to shop.

You may want to know where to get the coupons. The Sunday paper is one source. If you use only a few coupons out of the Sunday paper inserts, then you will have more than paid for the paper itself. If you have friends and family members that subscribe to the paper and do not use coupons, ask them if you can have them. Coupons can be printed online. Sites like Coupons.com and Smartsource.com are just two of many sites that offer coupons to print. You should note there there are limits to the number of duplicate coupons you can print. Being an extreme couponer will require lots of coupons, so know where to stock up.

stack-of-couponsYou will never be a successful extreme couponer if you are not organized. You may be working on getting a hundred or more different items each week. This can quickly become confusing if you do not have a system in place. The best way to keep things running smoothly is to purchase a binder, and then sort the coupons in a manner that makes it easiest for you. The easiest way is likely by food type. Frozen, canned, non-food items, etc. If you like to frequent only one store, you may want to sort them by the store layout, beginning on isle one, and moving on. Choosing your system may require some trial and error, but soon you will have a system in place that makes your shopping trips much faster.

Know the coupon policy for each store. Some will double up to a certain amount, some will not. Some accept expired coupons, others do not. Some will accept internet and competitor coupons, while others will not. You do not want to be surprised, or embarrassed when you get to the checkout line and have some of your coupons refused. Every good extreme couponer knows the policy of each store, and knows it well.

Before heading out, you need a list and a plan. You may not want to use all of your coupons each week. Extreme couponing is about getting the most extreme discount possible on each item. In order to do this, you will need to use your coupons in conjunction with what is on sale. When something is on sale, then is the time to strike. Coupons for non-sale items can wait until those items go on sale. The way to know what is on sale and each store is to browse through the circulars in the paper or online.

Following these steps will help you get into the world of extreme couponing as painlessly as possible. The reward of getting cheap groceries, especially in today’s tough economic times, is well worth the time it takes to coupon. For other tips and tricks, check out some of the personal blogs and message boards about couponing online. People that have been extreme couponing for years can help you with any questions you may have.

Economical Beach Vacation: How to Save Money While Traveling

Many families choose the beach as their destination of choice each summer. There are several ways that you can make this trip more affordable, without missing out on any of the fun. An economical beach vacation allows everyone to have a good time, while coming home with some money still leftover.

dreaming-about-a-beach-vacationPlanning an economical beach vacation starts with the search for where you will be staying. You already know that you will need to search for the best rates, but in addition to that, you should be searching for a location that has a kitchen. Eating out is one of the largest expenses incurred while on vacation. Having the ability to make your own meals and snacks will save you tons of money.

You should purchase the food and snacks you will be eating in advance. Grocery prices tend to be higher in tourist areas. You will not be subject to paying these higher prices if you shop ahead. There are a few things, however, that you may want to wait to purchase until you arrive. This would be things such as suntan oil, sunscreen, and water toys and floats. The competition amongst the stores near the beach is intense, and this drives down the prices of such items.

Since eating out is part of the fun of going on vacation, you do not want to miss out on trying the local cuisine. In order to do this, and still save money, consider visiting these places during lunch, instead of dinner. The difference between lunch prices and dinner prices is vast. You will get the same quality food, and the same choices, just at a much cheaper price. If you will be staying for a week, and will have your children with you, this tip alone could save you a few hundred dollars.

Search for discounts to the attractions and activities you want to do and see. Most brochures contain coupons that you can use to save money. These should be available throughout the area in local supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels and more. Check for expiration dates, since some of these brochures may have been hanging around for a while. You do not want any unexpected surprises when you go to pay.

No economical beach vacation would be complete without souvenirs. Look for special promotions, and items that are on clearance. T-shirts, which are a popular choice, are often offered at a discount if a certain number are purchased. Deals such as this will allow you to get the most for your money.

Having the time of your life, while not breaking the bank is what it is all about. An economical beach vacation is not only possible, but easy to obtain. A little planning, sprinkled with some strategies, are all that is required.

Are Space Heaters Safe to Use?

Space heaters are great source of alternative heat for many people. But many shy away from using them after reading horror stories of house fires that were caused because of their use. What many people do not understand is that some of these fires could have been prevented by using these heaters in the correct way.

Space heaters, especially newer versions, are extremely safe. They are built with automatic shut-off functions that will not allow them to work if they get knocked over. But the space heater can’t take the place of common sense and can become a hazard when not used properly.

fireplaceheaterSpace heaters should never be placed near cloth of any kind. This includes curtains, clothing, bed covers and couches. When placed too close, the cloth will eventually become hot enough to burst into flames. A space heater should be placed in the middle of the room, away from anything and everything that could be flammable.

Never plug a space heater into an extension cord. Space heaters draw a lot of power and may be able to heat an extension cord to the point where it melts. When this happens, the electrical outlet could overload and cause a fuse to go out or a breaker to flip. If the fuse or breaker does not do its job during this time, a house fire could be the result.

If you plan to use this type of heating device in your garage, shed or other working area, be sure it is not placed around chemicals. Most chemicals are highly flammable, and it will not take long for them to ignite if placed near a space heater. Gasoline, paint thinner, kerosene and more are just a few examples of the items that should be kept well clear of space heaters.

Small children can be burned if they touch a unit that has been on for even a few minutes. Children under 3 should really not be allowed anywhere near them, and children older than 3 should be taught that they are never to touch a space heater.

Yes, house fires have occurred and people have lost their lives due to space heater related fires. Sadly, most of these occurrences could have been prevented. Feel free to use space heaters in your home. As long as you follow a few simple guidelines, there is nothing to worry about.

The True Benefits of Cloth Diapers

The benefits of cloth diapers are many. Once upon a time, cloth diapers were the only choice that parents had, and no one thought a thing about using them. It was not until disposable diapers were introduced that people started considering cloth diapers a hassle. Soon, folding, pinning, and washing were a thing of the past, and everyone thought this was a wonderful development, but was it really?

The trend back to cloth diapers is backed by concern for the health of the baby, the concern over the price of disposable diapers, and concern for the environment. All three of these things matter, and matter greatly. New parents, and parents to be, should consider the benefits of cloth diapers before making their diapering choice.

diaper-outlet-picturesOne of the benefits of cloth diapers is that they do not contain any chemicals. All of those neat features that disposable diapers have, such as changing colors, and miraculously turning urine into a gel-like substance? Accomplished by chemicals. Babies are notorious for sensitive skin, and these chemicals are the reason that disposable diapers are notorious for causing rashes.

Cost is another issue. Yes, it will cost more to make the initial purchase of a cloth diaper supply, but after that, the savings comes. According to the Real Diaper Association, the average cost of a disposable diaper is twenty-five and a half cents. Multiply that by the number of times that a baby needs to be changed each day, which can be twelve or more times, and it is not difficult to see that one of the benefits of cloth diapers is a lower cost of use.

The environmental factor also comes into play when choosing between the two. According to the 29 Diapers website, it takes approximately 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose. When you take into consideration that landfills are overflowing with disposable diapers, this is an incredibly frightening statistic. It is true that cloth diapers will eventually become worn out, or stained, and need to be thrown away. However, we are talking about cloth here, and not a chemical filled item that will still be around four hundred years or more after we are dead and gone.

The new styles of cloth diapers do not require folding or pinning. They are sewn into the right shape for the baby, and are quite effective at controlling leaks. Most have velcro attachments on the sides, and changing a cloth diaper is not just as fast as changing a disposable. The old style fold and pin diaper is still available if you want it, but most do not choose this option.

The benefits of cloth diapers are clear, and there is no reason to fear using them. What should be feared is the impact that disposable diapers have on the health of your child, and the environment as a whole. Many people choose disposables simply because they do not understand what cloth has to offer. Hopefully, over time, more people will begin to understand the benefits of cloth diapers, and how easy they are to use.

Holistic Skin Care Products

Many people are deciding to use bypass the chemicals and opt for safe, holistic skin care methods. While holistic care cannot completely replace conventional medical care, it can be used safely to address many issues, and with good results.

One the best holistic skin care methods is the use of olive oil on stretch marks. Anyone who has ever given birth, or gained and lost a large amount of weight, was probably left with unsightly stretch marks. Using this method to reduce the appearance of stretch marks is easy. Simply apply the oil during therapeutic massage. This should be repeated three or more times per week. Be certain to follow this regimen strictly to achieve the best results. This holistic skin care method produces noticeable improvement in the majority of users. No special olive oil is required. Olive oil from your local grocery store will work just fine.

7v7m7w2cFor holistic skin exfoliation, try a mixture of sugar and baby oil. Research has shown that this is an effective method of home exfoliation. To use, mix the sugar and baby oil together and apply it to your skin while in the tub or shower and then rinse it off. It’s hard to beat this holistic skin care method when it comes to price compared with commercial exfoliating products, and the glowing skin it produces is wonderful.

Wrinkles can be attacked with a holistic approach as well. Castor oil can be used as an eye cream. To use, massage it in the eye area just before bedtime and let it stay until morning. Alternately, orange juice applied to cotton pads and allowed to rest on the eyes for ten minutes can also help tame wrinkles in the eye area. For wrinkle reduction for your entire face, mix three drops of almond oil, one beaten egg white, a half teaspoon of lemon juice, and two teaspoons of orange juice. Apply this mixture to your entire face and allow it to completely dry. Once dry, rinse it off with warm water.

Most people do not realize the effect that diet has on skin. Making sure you are getting plenty of antioxidants, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E is a powerful holistic skin care method. In addition, Omega-3 oils prevents skin from drying out, and helps skin retain it’s elasticity.

Implementing the holistic skin care approach is simple, cost effective, and best of all, natural. In a world full of pills and potions, it is best to try to care for yourself in as natural a way as possible.